Monday, March 24, 2008

Islam Questions

Now that you have read a little about Islam (pp. 252-258) and seen about an hour of the video, post at least three questions here. Make sure your questions are spread throughout the reading and not clustered around the first page or so.


Anonymous said...

1) In what ways was Islam more practical? (page 253)

2) What happened when areas tried to keep their own customs/ religion? (page 255)

3) Where was the line drawn between government and religion? (page 257)

Anonymous said...

1. How did Muhammad's wife and uncle die?
2. What is the main difference between the Shia and Sunni?
3. What happened to the people who did not want to convert to Islam? Was this accepted?

Anonymous said...

Besides the fact that Muhammad lead with faith, what characteristics made him such a popular leader? An why did these make him a good leader?

According to the Qur'an, In what ways have the Jewish and Christian faith go array, and how is Islam the truest path of faith?

The expansion of the Arabs was rapid and widespread, Why did the Arabs stop growing past there victory in 751?

Anonymous said...

1. Was there any religious problem that occured(like the gods being angry etc.) when the two holiest cities battled each other?
2. Why was it that his wife was protection to him from those who wanted to kill him? I understand why his uncle was, but not what his wife had to do with it.
3. How did Sunnism become so much more spread throughout the Middle East than the Shia culture?

Anonymous said...

1. I still want to know more about the 5 Pillars. Is it something to strive for or to do on a daily basis?
2. I also want to know why the Islamic faith is violent? So far in the video and book nothing has seemed outrageously violent.
3. How did the "socail organization" work? Is it like a caste system ?

Anonymous said...

1) I was wondering if anyone objected to the Qur'an when the public first got the chance to read it? Did anyone not believe it or was anyone opposed to what it was saying?

2) The reading says that the Roman provinces of Syria, Palestine, Egypt and North Africa; which were Rome's wealthiest and most populous subeject areas; fell to Arab or Arab-led armies. Does this mean that they were forced to convert to Islam because they lost to the Arab lead armies?

3)What exactly would happen if someone did not follow or respect the laws of the Sharia Law?

questions by Danielle R.

Anonymous said...

1) Who is known as the primary author of the Sharia, and how did they get people to accept it as a collection of Muhammed's teachings?

2) Since it says on page 255 that Muslim women did have rights (such as divorce, owning property, and conducting business), when did Islam get a reputation for oppressing women's rights?

3) Was the Shia-Sunni spilt a gradual occurance, or was it a dramatic event with fighting?

Anonymous said...

1. On page 253, it says "war against nonbeleivers was not only justified, but also sanctified." Does this have something to do with the war that Muhammad and his first followers had to go through? And if so, if the war didn't happen, would this belief in war be different?

2. Did something happen in history to women that made their rights much more strict during our time period?

Caroline Smith said...

1. What split the Sunnis and the Shias?

2. What are some other Islamic texts other than the Quran?

3. What are some other rights that women had, other than the ones listed on pages 255-256?

Anonymous said...

1. If the economy of the Arab tribes depended on war, wouldn't it run out of areas to raid? (pg. 253)

2. What factors contributed to Persia's ability to fend of fighters from the steppelands? (pg. 255).

3. Was there fighting after the schism occured between the Sunni and Shiite? (pg. 277) .. how long did this fighting last? What differences were there to fight about?

Anonymous said...

1. Was there anything like the Council of Nicea in Islam to try to make the Sunni and the Shia the same?

2. Was Islam ever a sect of Judaism, like Christianity? If not, what are the similarities between the three major religons?

3. If the Qur'an hinted that there were five pillars, but didn't put them pecifically, who first published/ said them in a list?

Anonymous said...

1. Why was Muhammad known as such a good leader?

2.Was there a problem between the two different holy cities that caused them to battle?

3.Was there ever a time period when the women did not have rights because it was stated that they did, but never if they didn't?

Anonymous said...

1. What is so miraculous about the Koran?
2. Was Muhammaed ever thought to be a madman for his teachings? Or were they immediately accepted?
3. How is the Koran any different from the bible in the way that it contains rules of personal discipline?

Anonymous said...

1. Did Muhammad write down the writing in the Koran or were they written down by someone else?

2. What caused the split between Sunni and Shia?

3. What are the major differences between sects?

Anonymous said...

1) How did Mohamed come up with Islam, what gave him the idea?
2) Why didn’t Rome like Islam?
3) What allowed Islam the spread in the south but not the north?