Tuesday, December 4, 2007

2 more ATG questions

Post your two most thoughtful ATG questions here
for pages 7-11 of the document about Alexander The Great.


Anonymous said...

1. When the reading says that ATG "might" have been aiming at a level of universal brotherhood, does this mean he "might" have been aiming for world peace? That wasn't clear to me what "The intermingling of peoples" meant.

2. How did Alexander end the threat of the East and the theme that Persia, (and other eastern Kingdoms) were dangerous? That was not clear to me in the reading.

Anonymous said...

1.) What kind of medical treatments did they have during Alexander the Great's lifetime? (It said that he nearly died at one point from a lung puncture wound.) Also, was Alexander alcoholic/have a well known drinking problem? (The reading described it as "notorious")

2.) What happened to Alexander's remaining family after his death? Some of his siblings would have still been alive, as would have been some of his wives and children.

Anonymous said...

1. How exactly did Darius die? It wasn't clear to me if ATG killed him, and how he died. In the reading it just said that ATG found him dead on the side of the raod.

2. In the reading it says that ATG's men refused to go further. Why did they refuse? It also says that they had refused before. What was the other time ATG's men refused to him?

Anonymous said...

1) Was lack of confidence the downfall of Darius and his troops at Gaugamela? It seemed like Darius's men weren't very confident, and it sounded like Darius just wanted to run the other way when ATG got too close. Darius and his men probably would have won if they had stood up for themselves. They certainly had numbers on their side.

2)Did ATG think he was immortal? He didn't plan to have anyone take over after his death. He had already been proclaimed a god by the Egyptians. I think he might have thought he was one, too.

Anonymous said...

1. What kind of campaigning did Alexander do? Is it like how the presidentail canidates campaign or propaganda?

2. Was Darius the same Darius we studied earlier woth teh Persian Royal Road, or is it a different guy with the same name?

3. One more thing not really about ATG - what happened to the East after the Romans came to power?

Anonymous said...

1. what were Batica's relations with Alexander after the death of Darius like.

2. Why did Alexander fight his way down the Indus to get back to Greece.

Anonymous said...

1. Where the Persians really that bad to Egyptians that they would make ATG their god? How did the Persians treat the Egyptians?

2. Why were some cities so glad to see ATG, when others were not?

Anonymous said...

16. In paragraph 1 of Occupation of Persia, it says "Alexander now entered the Persian Empire. Babylon welcomed him as liberator. The sacred Pharsi city of Susa resisted and fell to a siege." Shouldn't all the cities fight back? Or at least offer some resistance? Or was there some type of civil unrest at the time that gave them mixed feels about ATG?

17. In paragraph 1 of Internal Changes, it states "Now that he was king of Persia, Alexander began to adopt Persian dress, at least when dealing with Persian subjects" Did he adopt any other Persian customs or ways of thinking?

Anonymous said...

1) How was Darius killed and did Alexander do it?

2)Was it all the drinking that got him that bad fever that killed him or was it the swamp?

Caroline Smith said...

1. In the reading, it is explained how Alexander the Great dies. I was wondering about what happened after Alexander's death and what was everyones' reactions to it, in addition to the section of the reading labeled "After Alexander". The reading states that people were wondering who would get the kingdom, etc. So, what were some other things these people were wondering?

2. In the reading, it describes Bucephalus, Alexander's horse. What was his significance and what is some information on him? How did this horse die? What were some unique things about this horse?

Anonymous said...

1. Why did ATG gamble when fighting in Gaugamela and take so few men into war?

2. When ATG was killed, was there a large ceremony and what did his family do and was it hard for them to survive?

Anonymous said...

I wanted to know who the doctor who took care of ATG was, since he obviously had to work a lot considering how much ATG was hurt.

Also, I wanted to know if the wives that the officers and ATG took were any real importance, like did they get married for political reasons?

Anonymous said...

What sparked the battle of Guagamela?

Was it common for men during the Hellenistic era to have more than one wife?

Anonymous said...

1. Were Alexander’s soldiers humanistic?
2. Was there a reason that ATG dressed the same way that the people in the country he was conquering did? Was this to earn respect?

Anonymous said...

Did Egypt ally with Alexander the great out of fear or respect from taking out the Persians?

What a royal hostage do they get any benefits a normal hostage doesn't?

Anonymous said...

Was there ever a case of ATG's new men that he picked up along his journey turning on him?

Caroline Smith said...

3. When was Alexander named "the Great"?