Friday, December 7, 2007

Two questions about Rome

Please post here. Post only your two most thoughtful questions. Your question log will contain more questions and you should research a few of the more straightforward questions for a few minutes each.


Anonymous said...

1) I nthe readng Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus was given the "granted the honorific title of Augustus". Why is the name Augustus an honor? Is it part of the culture, what did it mean back then?

2)During all this time before the end of the Roman empire – what were the Goths and other tribes of Germany and northern Europe doing?

Anonymous said...

1. How did Julius Caesar die? Who killed him, and why was he assassinated?

2. Did Trajan, the first Roman not born in Italy, have any difficulties while being emperor because he wasn't from Italy?

Anonymous said...

1) It said that Trajan was "elevated" to the position of Emperor from the military by Nerva. Does this mean that the title of Emperor was not inherited? Most civilizations passed the title through their families.

2) Was Rome's eventual transition to an Empire due to their size? It seems like they weren't able to control all the territory they had gained. It said in the reading that the deep class divisions suddenly increased even more. Why would territorial expansion cause this?

Anonymous said...

1. How did Julius Caesar gain a dicatorship over Italy, and how was he assasinated after?

2. After the death of Theodosius's, the empire was seperated by east and west. The reading said that the west could not survive the "incessant barbarian invasions". What empires invaded the west?

Anonymous said...

1) What exactly was "The Conflict of the Orders"? The reading just mentioned it briefly without explaining it.

2) In the reading, it says, "Trajan was the first Roman not born in Italy to become emperor; his family came from Spain. He had a distinguished military career before being elevated to the purple by Nerva." What does it mean to be elevated to the purple?

Anonymous said...

The reading mentioned that Vispasian "bestowed colonial status" on the cities? How did he bestow colonial status? In what other episodes of history that we have studied this year has someone bestowed colonial status on someplace/someone?

The reading also discusses the Senate. Throughout the history of the Roman Empire, it seemed that the status of the senate was very much an issue. Does our 21st century US Senate have similar responsibilities/roles to that of the Roman Empire? What are the differences between their Senate and our Senate?

Anonymous said...

1. Since the Roman Empire took over so much land, were the people living in that land happy with the new government or not?

2. How was life like in Rome? It seems similar to Greece because the reading mentioned Assemblies where citizens met. Were citizens men with both their parents born in Rome, or were the rules different from Greece?

Anonymous said...

1. How did Rome transform from such a small city of huts to a incredibly large empire?

2. Why was Julius Caesar given the horrible title of Augustus and what did it mean that make it so bad to have?

Anonymous said...

1. In the age of the "Five Good Emperors", how was a new emperor chosen if it wasn't dynastic? It states it was chosen by skill, but did the decision come down to a voting process?

2. What vast building programs were built under Trajan and Hadrian? Are they still around?

Anonymous said...

1. What were to specific social- political problems that lead to the division and eventual fall of Rome.

2. What were some of the Economic problems attributed to of the fall of Rome.

Anonymous said...

1) What led to the their change of government? Was this change an easy one?

2) Did the art that the Romans created have any special significance?

Anonymous said...

1)It said that Julius Caesar was a dictator. I was wondering what kind of dictator he was. For example, was he strict about the general population? or was he more strict about the army and taking over?

2) Now, when most people hear of Rome, they think of Caesar. Are any of the other leaders as largely remembered as Caesar and why?

Anonymous said...

1. Were there emperors who could rule well without having the support of the military?

2. Why is it that the eastern half of the Roman empire survived while the western half collapsed?

Anonymous said...

How did Rome communicate from the king to all the other areas of Rome without phone like we have today?
What stopped the Romans from taking over the rest of modern day Spain?

Caroline Smith said...

I am interested in Julius Caesar. In the reading, it states he was assassinated. By whom was he murdered and for what purpose? Because he was dictating?

In the reading, it explains there is a period called the age of the "Five Good Emperors": Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. I was wondering what made some of these emperors so “good”. (Other than what was in the reading). How did they rule their empires and how well did they live?