Friday, November 16, 2007

Alexander The Great questions

Post at least three questions you had about ATG here.

Just post the questions.

We'll talk in class about the one that you pursued in more depth in class.


Anonymous said...

I thought this reading was very clear. One of my questions was, was there a ceremony for ATG becoming King, and was there a funeral for Philip's death? Another question of mine was, was Macedonia, in the eyes of the southern Greeks considered low class? Were they considered to be lower than slaves or animals? I wondered about this because they were considered "barbaric" by the southern Greeks. Another question I had was,how did ATG recover from his terrible war injuries? How was he cured back then, what was the health system like, (for ATG)?

I also found 5 pictures of Alexander the Great.

The link above should take you to the first picture.

This really long link should take you to the second picture.

The link above leads to the 3rd picture.

the link above is the 4th picture.

This is the last link above.

Anonymous said...

I was able to come up with eight questions, but these are my top three:

1)What was the life of Olympia like? It says that she was the wife of Phillip of Macedon and the mother of Alexander, but it doesn't say much about her beyond that.

2)Where did the legend of the Gordian Knot begin? ATG's interaction with the knot shows that he can't refuse a challenge and that he is clever.

3)Who were some of the other people that were proclaimed gods by the Egyptian priests? I doubt Alexander was the only one.

Anonymous said...

I came up with several questions, but here are three:

1) How does the Macedonian soldier compare with the Spartan soldier? The reading stated that "The Macedonian soldier was thus far better trained than any other in the world and much better equipped." What about the Spartans and their might?

2) Was Alexander the Great ever married? Did he have any children? Since he spent most of his life on one campaign or another, this is probably unlikely

3) Propaganda was mentioned several times- How did it work? Propaganda today is through the media (i.e. newspapers, TV, etc.). Was it through story telling?

Anonymous said...

I came up with about seven questions from the reading.

1. how did Phillip II gather and use other country's soldiers to make his army more versatile. Ex. Cretan Archers.

2. Where does he appear in the Koran as Dulcarnain, and who is Dulcarnain.

3. Though what political systems was ATG able to maintain control his empire.

Anonymous said...

Three questions that I came up with from the reading were:

1. What made ATG's army so great? Why was it the best army in the Western world of the 4th century? What were some of the specifics that made this army better than any other at the time?

2. Why was ATG considered to be a god? What were some of his traits that were better than other rulers, such as his father?

3. In the reading it questions if ATG's intended from the beginning to conquer the world. Was this one of ATG's original goals, and how close did he come to reaching his goal?

Anonymous said...

What was the army in Macedonia like before Philip created a new one?
How many kids did Philip have? Who is part of his family?
How much bigger was Alexander’s empire than his father?

Anonymous said...

1. Was Macedonia democratic? If not, what type of government did ATG grow up in?
2. Was ATG's raising more like Athens or Sparta? More fighting or more arts? Or was it a combination of both?
3. How did ATG control such a diverse army with men from so many different countries and cultures?

Anonymous said...

1. From the first paragraph of "Philip conquers Greece", it says that
"using the gold of Mt. Pangaeus Philip bribed generously and by the 330s had a party loyal to his cause in every Greek city". Were these cities aware of this inside threat?

2. In paragraph 2 of "Battle of Chaeronea", it states "Philip gave Sparta the opportunity to join his new alliance". Did he give any other city states this option? If he did, did they accept or refuse?

3. In paragraph 1 of "Qualities of command" it states "He [ATG] was always at the front and always in the thick of battle" Did he ever suffer from any serious injuries from this?

Anonymous said...

1. What was the significance and importance of Phillip II army that he formed and why was it necessary.

2.Why was it thought that Phillip II wife wanted him dead, and why would he be killed out in public.

3. Why was Alexander the Great considered a god, and does that mean that he was better than other rulers in Greece, or was he just liked more.

Anonymous said...

1) Who helped Alexander the Great conquor Asia? Why did he need help to conquor?

2) Why would Olympia plot to kill her husband?

3) Was the empire his father had passed down to ATG or was it split up like ATG's was when he died?

Anonymous said...

1. Was there any specific reason why Philip was assassinated? Was he hated by people?

2.What was special about the Granicus River battle? If it was the first major battle it must have had some importance..

3.Does ATG ever encounter Xerxes?

Caroline Smith said...

1. In the reading, it states that it is wondered about Alexander the Great if from the beginning, he planned to conquer the world. I was wondering the same thing. He has many conquests and seemed very passionate about fighting. So, is it true Alexander the Great planned to conquer the world from the beginning?

2. In the reading, it states that some of Alexander the Great's men wondered if Alexander believed himself to be a god. I am wondering who specifically thought of him as a god. I am alos wondering what classified someone as "god-like" at the time of Alexander the Great.

3. In the reading, it tells about Philip of Macedon's death. The reading questions what would have happened in history if Philip had not been killed. The reading suggests the theory that without his son taking over, Philip would have been remember more than his son. I also wonder about other rumors that might have existed about his death. For example, there was the rumor that is was part of his wife's plan. What were some other rumors going around at that time?

Anonymous said...

1) Did ATG really never lose a single battle?
2) Who was Epaminondas?
3) What happened after ATG?

Anonymous said...

Why was Philip held hostage under Epaminondas of Thebes? Was there a specific action or violation that he committed?

The reading mentioned that "Macedonia, which the southern Greeks considered about a half-step away from barbarism"...what was classified as barbarism during ATG's time?

The reading mentioned that ATG used his fathers battle strategies. Did he make any minor or major modifications?

December 3, 2007 8:11 PM

Anonymous said...

1)- It states that it is hard to separate fact from fiction (aka propaganda) about ATG, so how do we know that all of the more personal things about him are actually true. Like the fact that he had very good luck and he was't helped all that much. Couldn't the truth have been a little stretched?

2)- Considering that ATG was young when his father died, how long was his education from his father? And did he really learn most of his knowledge from him?

3)- Did ATG and his father get a long well?